Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our grants can be used for any adoption related expense.

  • Our grant amounts vary, depending on the needs of the family and the circumstances surrounding the adoption.

  • Our selection committee meets quarterly. We only notify those who have been awarded grants, either by phone or by email, within 15 days after the close of the quarter.

  • If you have applied but have not been awarded a grant you may reapply for the next quarter by simply notifying us via email. Make a request to please resubmit your application with any additional comments or information.

  • The program is open to all legal adoptions of non-related children, and does not exclude private adoption, agency adoption, international adoption, or special needs adoption.

    Rather than incur the cost of contacting unsuccessful applications, the Foundation will only notify those who are awarded grants, by email or phone.

    These funds will be held and disbursed as expenses are incurred. If for any reason you terminate the adoption process, the remaining funds will be kept by the foundation.